Enable your innovation capability with Innovation Management System!
Curator of your innovation success
Systematic innovation management, tailored to scale
Decades of successful innovation management experience coupled with a world-wide, top tier, network makes it possible for us to provide unique Innovation Curation Services.
These services enable our customers to succeed with their innovation journey and scale at each stage, starting from their existing situation and needs. Hands-on creativity in start up's or corporate governance innovation support is based on the same principles. Utilization of combined assets to create new value in both private and public sector as well as in collaboration across, enabling societal, nation-wide innovation capabilities to secure long-term success.
We cater all your innovation needs and guarantee action, learning and results when principles are followed.
We look forward enabling your innovation success. Connect to get started.
Johan Grundström Eriksson
International Innovation Management Expert
Innovation Curator
Example of our Innovation Management Service
Board Advisory
Innovation Coaching/Mentoring
Innovation Capability Build up.
Innovation Management (ISO 56001)
Pre Certification Assessment
GAP analysis
Action Road Map Proposal
Inspiration key note
Innovation Management
Innovation Eco-System
Innovation Capability
Network and benchmark
Connecting people
Setting up Innovation coalitions
Innovation benchmark tourism - get inspired from others
Innovation translates to growth
"Innovation may sound like a creative art: hard to quantify, dependent on lightning-bolt inspiration, subject to the availability of magic dust and luck. It’s true that innovation relies, to an extent, on the vagaries of ingenuity. But according to McKinsey research, innovation—and, crucially, the type of outperformance that innovation can spark in organizations—is much more likely to happen when there is a rigorous process in place to bring ideas to fruition.
The simple fact is that innovation translates to growth: innovation leaders generate almost twice as much revenue growth from innovation as their competitors" (McKinsey, 2024).
About aiRikr
aiRikr Innovation is a Swedish company, based in the greater Copenhagen innovation eco-system. We operate throughout the Nordic countries and countries connected to the eco-system corporate multinationals, public sector, startups, scaleups, incubators, accelerators, municipalities, universities and corporate multinationals.
We guide innovation and provide advice to boards, in businesses and public organisations who wants to strengthen their competitive advantage, market relevance and ensure long term success.
aiRikr Innovation collaborates with multiple partners, with independent expertise in networks of specialized skillsets that are connected and loosly coupled to adapt to address and resolve challenges related to innovation, new sustainable business, structural- & regulatory challenges, sustainable transformation and change.
Partners & Initiatives
Japan Innovation Network - Amplify - Curlabs - Dreamly.se - BioSector Japan - City of Kobe - UNICEF - AI Sweden - City of Malmö - City of Lund - City of Helsingborg - Lund University - Vinnova - UNOPS - Sony - Sony Ericsson - Tetra Pak